Whether you own a home or your own business, the investments you have are worth protecting. The best way to ensure you are covered if anything happens to your valuables is to have property insurance. Learn what this type of insurance is and the differences between residential and commercial to make sure you have this for your investments.
What is Property Insurance?
In the event of an emergency where valuables are damaged are destroyed, it is important to have property insurance. Why? Property insurance helps you maintain your investment. When an accident happens and items are destroyed, insurance will cover the costs associated with replacing these items. It is important to work with your insurance company and fully discuss everything you would like to insure. While you will take your budget into consideration, you want to be sure you purchase enough insurance to cover anywhere from half to three-quarters of your investments.
When it comes to residential insurance, there are a few different types. If you own a home, you will need homeowner’s insurance. When you purchase homeowner’s insurance, you are covering the home itself in the event of damage or loss, valuables inside from damage or even theft and the people in the house. In addition, you can insure your home from elements that are more common in your area, such as floods or earthquakes. You can discuss the different types of coverage with your insurance agent to make sure you are covered. Next, if you rent, you are also able to get insurance. In fact, your landlord may require it. Renter’s insurance will protect your belongings the same way homeowners would in the event of an accident or emergency. Before getting this insurance, go around your home and value up all your belongings to determine how much to insure. Also, make sure to write down serial numbers of everything and save them in a safe place. That way, if things are damaged or stolen, you can access information quickly and pass that onto your insurance company.
Just as it is important to keep your valuable and home safe, if you own a business, you will want to do the same. This is why commercial property insurance is crucial. No matter what type of commercial property you have, whether it is a building or even a farm, you need to make sure it is covered from an emergency such as inclement weather, fires or other types of damage. Commercial property insurance cover the important equipment and devices that keep your business running, as well as the items employees use to work each day. Take a deeper dive into the world of commercial insurance for your property in Investopedia’s Commercial Property Insurance.
If you are debating if you should even purchase this type of insurance, be sure to read the top reasons you need property insurance. In the event of an emergency, Aspen Claims Service can help. We are a national claims adjusting firm that can help assess both residential and commercial damage and losses. We help to provide accurate numbers to insurance companies on how much you are entitled to based on an incident. Give us a call today at 888-819-5904.