Your home is one of the largest if not the largest of your investments. It is important that you make sure this investment is protected in the event of an emergency. The best way to handle this is through property insurance. While you may already have this insurance, it is beneficial to look at your coverage each year to evaluate if you need to increase your protection. To assist with your review of this insurance, make sure you review the different types of weather dangers in Denver, types of insurance upgrades, and when to contact a claims adjuster in the event of an emergency.
Weather Dangers in Denver
One of the best things about living in Denver is the great weather. Average summer temperatures are in the 80s and evenings in the 50s and sunshine is seen for roughly 80 percent of the year. However, that does not mean the area is resistant to bad weather, or other dangers than could affect a home. The City and County of Denver explains there are six potential threats in the area. Five of these are key players than could potentially hurt your home. First are earthquakes. While the risk is low, the risk is still there. Next is flooding for those who live near rivers, streams and other waterways or areas rain can quickly collect. Hail and lightning is also a risk, as well as tornadoes—especially during the spring. Last, winter weather also poses a risk. Cold temperatures, snow and ice can weigh heavily on a structure.
Types of Property Insurance Upgrades
Each year it is important to review your property insurance policy. If you live in a high-risk area for certain dangers, it is beneficial to make an upgrade. In addition, if you make any upgrades or large purchases, it is another reason to upgrade. For instance, if you handle a larger renovation project in your home that increases its value, you will want to make sure that is protected. In addition, if you purchase an expensive new TV, appliances or other items, these are investments you will want to make sure is covered in your policy. If you’re unsure about your coverage, it is a discussion to have with your insurance agent.
When to Contact a Claims Adjuster
In the event of an emergency that damages your home, you will need to document the damage and eventually reach out to your insurance company. While they will send out an adjuster to review the damage, you can also work with your own. This will provide a second opinion to the situation and you will have someone on your side. To be sure you know what your next steps should be in the case of an emergency, review catastrophe claims: what to do in the event of an emergency.
For a claims adjuster you can trust in the event of an emergency in your home, you can trust the experts at Aspen Claims Service. To get started with your claim, give us a call at 888-819-5904 today. We will help review your situation and help you get the amount you deserve in your case.