Disasters. Often times one of your worst fears, a disaster can not only cause mass damage to your home and possessions, but it can truly put your life on hold. Sometimes it feels weird to “plan†for a disaster, but planning ahead can ensure far less stress and set you up for as much success that’s possible in this case.
Create an emergency plan
This one definitely feels a little unnatural, but it will 100% be worth it in the end. You should create a concrete emergency plan for you and your family, and this includes a few different aspects:
Family emergency plan: This includes an evacuation route, meeting points, and how you will maintain contact in case of an emergency.
Build an emergency kit: Emergency kits are compact, and have everything you will need to have in case of an emergency. This includes first aid, flashlights, local maps, cell phone chargers, etc.
Pet emergency plan: This one can certainly be an emotional rollercoaster. Pets are family – in case of an emergency you need to figure out what you will do with yours. You should always take them with you, but that also means you’ll need to have a kit made specifically for your furry creatures.
Insurance Policies
When setting up your policy, be sure that Additional Living Expenses (ALE), is included. ALE is part of your coverage that will help cover just that – any additional expenses that have been incurred due to the loss of your residence. This might include pet boarding, rent, food, gas, and even mileage. Some other expenses might be covered as well, we recommend asking your insurance company if they can send over a list of what is covered under your ALE policy.
The next important thing to do is take a look at what your deductible is and make sure you have at least that amount in savings. Most insurance deductibles range from $1000 – $2500, and we can promise that having at least that much in your savings will make any disasters feel a lot less painful. Remember, that the goal of your insurance policy is to replace the value of your possessions and home, so do not worry about needing enough money to replace any of those things.
Now that you know the ins and outs of preparing for a disaster in Denver, contact us. We are here to help set up the best property insurance policy that will fit your needs. You can also contact expert lawyers like Marco Flores to give you legal counseling and help you out with insurance claims. At Aspen Claims, we’ve helped thousands of clients get what’s rightfully deserved in the event of natural disaster, property damage, and personal injury. That’s why residents and professionals from Aspen, Denver, Littleton, Aurora and across the United States rely on our expert staff and highly professional claims adjustment service. To get started, just give us a call at 888-819-5904, we are happy to help and would love for you to experience the Aspen difference.